The Benefits of Cerakote - Fenix Flashlights

Benefits of Cerakote on your Fenix Flashlight

You may have noticed that we have released a ton of new Fenix Elite Series Flashlights that have custom Cerakote patterns over the past few months.  Aside from looking super cool, there is more to Cerakote than just a unique finish.  Cerakote has many benefits that can protect your flashlight for the long haul.


Fenix Cerakote

What is Cerakote?

Cerakote is a proprietary finish, made by a company called Cerakote.  The name means "coat" and is comprised of ceramic particles to create a hard surface that resists scratching and help with impact resistance.

Fenix Patriot Cerakote Flashlight

How is it done?

The flashlight is disassembled before applying the Cerakote.  Next, the light is degreased and blasted with sand to remove any oils or debris.  After the protective coating is applied using a spray gun, the light body is cured at 250 degrees.  

What are the benefits?

First, the material offers a good degree of lubricity, which collects less dirt, dust, and other particles.  

Second, Cerakote can also work as an effective barrier against oxidation and corrosion which helps prolong the life of your flashlight. It also increases chemical resistance and hardness.

Third, Cerakote can come in a variety of crazy patterns.  You can customize the external appearance to suit your personality. You could pay over $200 to Cerakote your firearm with a custom finish.  Since we have our Fenix Flashlights done in batches, we have gotten the cost down by 90%! 

You can check out our custom Cerakote Fenix Elite Series Flashlights HERE.  Only available on Fenix Store!